Welcome to the Home of Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)

We aim to be the whisper of hope echoing out into a land of hopelessness. Not some empty and meaningless or vague sense of “things will get better” but a hope of longing and strength. To reveal the truth that even though situations in the world right now are bleak we are strong and through courage we might once again find our feet, through the wisdom passed down to us through countless ages we might once again rise like a phoenix from the ash of the modern world as it crumbles around our feet. So now we invite you to join us The Archives where with a little thought and consideration you will clearly see how the ancient and not so ancient lessons of our Hyperborean ancestors apply even to today. As you explore you will see how the OZ (divinity) is reflected not only in yourself but in those you know, you will see how our customs never stopped (even though their origins are largely forgot) you will see how our languages and the intentions of language is still as supple and nuanced as ever (though we have been taught otherwise), and that we can use the lessons of who we are to better ourselves for tomorrow!

Now You May Be Asking

Why of all the titles bestowed upon our people did we pick Hyperborean?

White: We are not simply a skin tone. Also being known by a color means little and inspires nobody to anything.

European: A muddled and limiting term that means different things to different people. It also excludes the Diaspora and our tribes outside of the European peninsula.

Westerner: We are not a direction and this inevitably splits people further than we already are.

So Why Hyperborean?

Hyperborean Means the People of the Northern Wind, Or Beyond the Northern Dawn. It has been used to refer to Romanians and gladly adopted by the Slavs, Scandinavians, and many more. Which shows its power as a mythic idyllic life for our people.

Among the other peoples they call us Barbarians, Whitemen, Westerner, European, Hairy People, Spirits of the Forest, Giant Pink Monsters, Moon Eyed People, Cloud People, and many more.

In the end our true name is merely "The People" whatever that may be in our own tongue. We only need define ourselves to contrast against those we are not, the other peoples of this Earth. Those who are not the Lords of the Forest crowned in the Northern Dawn.

In the age of cellphones and computers why did we choose a radio as our symbol?

Because the Radio is mundane, an everyday object often overlooked, yet it represents much more. The Radio does not eradicate that which surrounds it, your time is not robbed of you, your attention is not stripped from kin or purpose. The Radio gifts information, it delivers music and discussion, it has been used to broadcast light in darkness, stories of great and daring deeds, war correspondence and conversations between those who may never have met otherwise. Unlike the Neon Lights of the Urban Wastelands and Monitors that dominate the home the Radio never displaced the Hearth from its flaming abode instead it was its amiable neighbor.

One could dance with the one they love, knit, whittle or play cowboys with the nearby Radio as congenial companion. As tech expanded from portable radios, to Walkman's, to MP3 Players, to the tiny magic mirrors we carry in our pockets everyday this function remained, at least in its function as a Radio. A walk in the woods, a fishing trip in the family boat, a game of Monopoly that never completes all of these and more can be done "BESIDE" The Radio, not in-spite of or in resistance to.

The Radio is freedom it is connection by choice, addition without bindings, it is the open road and Sunday nights with Family. This is what Hyperborean Radio aspires to be, an addition in your lives. Without stripping any of the meaning and joys that we have in life. Broadcast for all to hear.


Are you tired of stuffy old Academicals? Of endless quotes, dates and oh so severe people? But still want the unfiltered, undiluted information of Lore and Heritage that Belongs to the People of the North?! Well then you’ve come to the right place. Decades of research, discussion and serious debate have led us to creating HYPERBOREAN RADIO (UNCENSORED)! A place where the Lore, Legends, Customs and MORE! Of The People are available by the people for the people. What does this mean? WHY! It Means that well researched information is presented in a way actually useful and understandable to humans. No hiding information through jargon and indecipherable dates. NO! Instead we take these disparate sources, tomes, observations and events and we take it back to what it once was and shall be again. A living tradition not an academic pastime.

Hyperborean Radio is Not Responsible for Any Internalization of Knowledge or Improvements to your Life, we Simply Present the Knowledge and Wisdom we have accumulated over the years, it is up to you to chose what to do with it!

Why Hyperborean?

Why The Radio?

  • "I like the podcast. It's very informative, without being boring. It also helped me realize that getting into ethnic faith was far easier than I thought it was."


  • "I have found you a month ago. I have learned so much while catching up on all the previous podcasts. A "Thank you" and a few dollars will never convey the gratitude I have for you. The core of my being has been stirred profoundly. Thank you for doing this"


  • "I don’t know how I haven’t come across your podcast earlier but I’m glad I finally did. Outstanding work! Please keep it up!"

    Chris J.

  • "Managed to stumble upon your podcast by accident when I was in the midst of the whole "modern paganism is all woowoo from here on out" and starting to think all roads did lead back to Christianity. It was looking bleak, but glad I found some men with sense and willing to teach it. Not an easy job and I appreciate your work. "

    Big C.

  • "Thanks for leading me to the right path. Love you guys..."

    Dennis R.

  • "I love the work you guys do and believe in your vision for our people. Thank you for fighting for us. "

    Garrick B.

  • I think the most pronounced thing you two did for me, was broke this image of paganism. This was accomplished in Plastic Paganism and Pop Paganism, and by doing so I seen it does have a more grounded and practical application to life. Ethnic Path still being my favorite, for bias reasons of course. Likewise, some of my favorite episodes have been on societal issues, such as city development, the nature of men and women, etc.
