BABD! Cloaked in feather of crow she wings over the remains of war, surveying the carnage and mayhem below, she smiles... her children do well today. Wheeling away she returns to her aviary where she will await their call once more.

One of many sisters, all Queens in their own right!... Though Babd does not share her sisters weaknesses, possessing neither the carnality of her sister The Morrigan nor the domesticity of Masha or even the many other faults she finds among her countless sisters. She alone stands unique. She is hard... tempered, cunning. She alone can see what is to come. War, countless wars, the unending struggle of her children, and they need her. They need her insight, her knowledge of the ebb and flow of battle. She alone can see what the many enemies of her children will do before they even know themselves; and so she plans... she waits patiently, they all die eventually, even the Gods themselves should one be patient enough. But until that time she will remain vigilant and teach her followers her cunning ways, the way to victory, so that they might survive even her.

Her sight is unmatched, even were her eyes but hollow memories but they are not. No, they remain, shining dark as moonless night and bright as cloudless day. Peering into the vast unknown she waits patiently for her children's need. Their call will surely come again, for they love her, they desire her, they crave her touch as surely as they wince at her croaking call.

The need of the Men of Eire! True Men! Men of true Courage! Men of true and unyielding Strength! Men who seek true Wisdom... they come... they always come. They always kneel... But this is not her desire... No... her true desire requires a far deeper sacrifice! She demands more of her children than this, something so petty as empty platitudes and begging, moaning about like heart broken children or bedraggled whores! She demands only that they stand! Unyielding. Unwavering. They must fight on!

Only then will they be her Men. Her Men fight for love! Not out of fear. Only her Men can fight with a ferocity that cannot be matched! They fight to never forget! And so they never shall. They fight for the home, the family, the gift bestowed upon their ancestors by the Gods themselves and the responsibility that came with it, the vow... the never ending vow.

For this continued dedication Babd has dedicated herself to these men as surely as they dedicated themselves to her and so she shall bend all of her might, all of her wonders, her unrivaled battle tactics, her cunning, her craft, her wisdom and her power to helping these True Men of Eire's land in keeping their word, their home no matter where that might be! So long as they honor the vow made so long ago before Eire, in the presence of the many Gods they shall never know defeat. Should they but ask she will answer, whether as a Child; eyes shining black as night stirring their hearts to battle or Matron who emboldens the spirits of fighting men through harsh battle cries! Or even as weeping Crone whose tears had formed the very fords and streams where she might be found. The place that when she gazes upon you in her desperate grief you witness nothing but dark holes were once bright and shining eyes had stood, desperately she will beg for help as she tries to remove the stains of blood from the clothes of her beloved dead as she howls her keening cry at the bedrock of her sorrowful tears for the brave men who sacrificed all, not for her... but for their families. Their homes.

Never forget Babd The Great and Mighty, Brutal and Harsh, Loving and Kind... Babd the Battle Crow.

The Crow of War!


Ogma, Giver of the Best Gifts


Puck of the Fae