Barbegazi, Little Men with Frozen Beards.

These 'Barbegazi'; as they are known in some tribal territories, are a type of Wildman native to the northern regions of Hyperborea. These Wildmen are notable and generally identifiable due to their natural coats or 'pelts', which are... Upon closer investigation, actually comprised of three layers of highly specialized and densely packed hair. But this is not their only adaption as one must take note of their feet which have evolved over time to be either very long and skinny so as to resemble 'skis', or alternatively have grown a seemingly disproportionate width at the front so as to function in a similar fashion to 'Snow Shoes'.
'Here it must be stated that science has yet to determine if these two types of Barbegazi are indeed the same species of Wildman or if they are merely similar in all other characteristics. Some of our scientists have hypothesized that they are indeed the same species, and the seeming difference between the two are merely the difference between male and female, or alternatively between that of the adolescent, and the adult.'

These adaptations and more allow these 'Spirits of the North' to easily navigate both the harsh climates, and the many difficulties native to their natural environs, which range from low lying swamps, to the peaks of the highest mountain.

Summer does however, pose many difficulties for the Barbegazi, who have developed a unique and most ingenious way of dealing with the uniquely sweltering temperatures present, in their native territories. Temperatures which rise to some of the highest temperatures recorded on the planet with the added benefit of being extremely humid as well. Conditions which lend to a state of extremes known only in the most northern of climes, fluctuating some approximately one hundred and seventy degrees Fahrenheit; from the coldest temperatures to the hottest.
Due to the Barbegazi's propensity for withstanding extreme cold as comfortably as we 'Men' endure an outing at the beach on a warm summers day, they have developed techniques which allow them to 'hibernate' during the long summer months safe and cozy in their cool dens. Dens which they locate far underground or carve into mountain rock by hereto unknown 'magics' or 'Wyrd Ways'.

At the first hint of winters chill they can, 'if one looks very closely, and with practiced eye', be seen returning to the surface of their beloved snowy peaks and forest homes to frolic and make merry!
When t
hey burst forth from their cool summer homes the 'Snow Dwarf' as he is sometimes known, can be witnessed 'if one is lucky' running about excitedly in the bright crisp morning air, as they give their short stout frames a much needed stretch!
These magnificent creatures will commonly spend the first several hours of their fresh arrival to the surface world preening and combing their thick pelts. 'Commonly picking dirt, rocks, and other debris from themselves'. Marvelous pelts which range in color from snow white to the deepest of blacks, and occasionally even bearing pinto patterns; each serving as excellent camouflage from both predator and prey. One; upon observing the Barbegazi, will notice that each regardless of age or gender, in addition to their over all hair coverage possess an incredibly thick and prominent beard which falls to their waist, further suiting them to their preferred habitat.
The crowning feature of this species of Wildman however is ironically at the bottom of their build, that being their hirsute hobbit like feet! Feet large enough to act as snowshoes atop the packed snow and or long enough to act as skis for fast travel through the mountain passes.

One such region in which these playful winter spirits are known to inhabit. Is. In, Fact, within what today is known as the French Alps. A place, which these delightful though occasionally mischievous creatures have called home since before the ages began to be counted... Or even recorded for that matter. These 'Snow Goblins' as they are also occasionally named, are known to tunnel through the snow among the peaks
; carving out their lovely snowy homes, "allegedly" causing the occasional avalanche which crushes everything below, from the odd traveler to the random village.
However, they are not malevolent, as they are known to give a sharp whistle to everyone within hearing distance when severe storms or aforementioned avalanches are occurring by way of warning. It is also well known and documented that these magnificent Mountain Gods are quite willing and able, to use their exceptional burrowing abilities to help rescue unfortunate souls buried in the oncoming snow. However when venturing into such areas it is wisest for one to... Not, rely upon the kind and helpful nature of the Barbegazi, or they are most certain to find themselves in the most dire of straits.
One simply must understand; that much as ourselves, they simply cannot be everywhere all at once. And as with ourselves, something might be happening just out the door, or even behind our backs as we continue merrily on our way, all the while blissfully unaware of the mess directly behind us.

It is known the Barbegazi are at least 'somewhat' fond of Mankind. As they saw fit to bother following their unfortunately bald and lanky neighbors to the New World or wherever else they might call home. 'Assuming the weather is suitable for the Barbegazi themselves that is', often settling alongside these... HooMAN'S 'As I'm quite sure they call us.' in places such as the American Midwestern Mountain Ranges, from the Sawtooth Mountains of Minnesota, east to the Porcupine Mountains of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
One may have noticed, these 'Men of Good Fortune', have countless statues created in their honor dotting the land wherever they might be found. Some of these idols and statues are impossibly large 'being up to twenty or thirty feet in height', while others might be no more than a handspan tall. Some of these statues built in honor of the 'Snow Men' are quite permanent, being made of stone or wood. While others are lovingly carved of snow or ice, all to remind us of the fun to be had during the winter season. Lest one forget, or be unaware, it must be highlighted that the playful demeanors of these legendary creatures are frequently on full display in both local myth and legend, even more recently being represented in film.

So should you on your winter walk be accosted by snow falling from trees onto your head and shoulders, this is but the playful and harmless fun of these beloved creatures intended only to remind you of the fun and wonder to be had during these most bracing of days. And please, take care not to curse them for their attempt to bring joy to the downtrodden and miserable, or they might take offense and reply with... Shall we say... A slightly more extreme and possibly deadly version of snowfall.

And so, sadly we come to the end of our initial presentation. Be sure to check back frequently as we continue to delve into the wonderful and mystical world of the Barbegazi!


Krampus, God of Wild Nature


The Eternal Hunter