The fiery heart that beats with barely restrained passion within the breast of every Germanic tribesman, this is Wotan. He lives within every individual soul, he is the vigor of an entire people who range across the forested mountain passes, down through the swamps and bogs. He burns with the full indominable fury of the wildfire and can be witnessed in the strength of the oncoming storm!

He is the strength felt in every connecting sinew, every fiber of the Germanic tribesman, no matter where he might stand. Such is his Blessing... And his Curse. That contrasting desire of refinement and the unrelenting restlessness which plagues his people. The drive to build grand structures, then tear them down again letting the wilds reclaim that which was always hers! The inevitable pull towards the internal nature which is ever present. Both the unending call to war, and the call of home. The call of towering mountains above, and the silent valleys below. The lure of both the Darkest of Forests and the Sunlit Fields. No matter where his people go or how hard they try to resist, always his roots remain descending deeper into their hearts than those of the Mountains themselves. Forever eternal.

He is more than a God and less than a God, he is the spirit of an entire people. He lives! He can be witnessed in the cries of joy and glee in the playful child. The longing sigh and quiet song of the maiden fair. He is in the cunning glinting eye of the cleverest boy. The hardened calloused hands of the skilled craftsman. He is in the gravelly voice of every Grandfather telling stories to his children and his children's children. Even in the Grandmothers patient and pained hands as she lovingly knits clothing for those most loved and cherished as she hums a gentle song.

He is the Worst of Us.

He is the Best of Us.

He lives as he dies... With his people.

As they live so does he.

As they die, so shall he.

Fates inexorably entwined.

This is Wotan! All of them, every last one. From every individual to every raging torrent of fury from an untamable people, a people unfettered and undaunted.
Overwhelming in his fury. Overwhelming in his kindness. Overwhelming in all aspects of who he is, who his people are. Wherever his people stand he is there, just beneath the surface rumbling with the fury of the inevitable Mountain Storm.

There is no choice in the matter.

Such is this Curse of the Germans... And Our Blessing.

This is WOTAN!

...Come with us as we journey into the home of Wotan the Inexorable, through his valleys and mountain homes. Through dark forests and down into the local bar where his stories are not just told... They are lived. From the Wild Hunt, through savage battles, and yes... Even kitchens filled with jellies and jams. Where dark secrets are whispered and joys shouted in jubilance! He is more than a God, he is an entire people!



Frau Holda, Grandmother of Germania