The Norns, The Three Women Beneath The Tree
There are in reality many of these women, this sisterhood of the Gods; the Nornir. But Thee Norns. ...Well. Thee Norns are something else all together, though still part of the whole. The three most famous, most well known, most misunderstood, and oddly... Neglected.
These three sisters who dwell beneath the Tree of Life, The World Tree, Home of Realms... Yggdrasill.
These women who tend the roots, these women who know. These women who watch and listen. To these Wise Women of Old; the Gods, Men. Well, they are part of the same story. Those highest of women who tend the well from which all drink their share.
Urdr! She whose name means, That which became.
Verdani! She whose name means, That which is happening.
Skuld! She whose name means, That which ought to be.
But they do not weave tapestries or cloth like those silly Greek Morai. No, not at all! These most esteemed women weave something far more important. They weave stories! Stories of the Gods, stories of the mortals, stories of entire realms. They do not create the stories, they record the stories carving them into the very roots of Yggdrasill lest they be forgot.
What do I mean? Oh! You thought they dictate the future, and all of it's events like pulling the strings of marionettes. Well, how to explain this... Have you ever sat beneath a tree? or in the company of others and read a book? Or listened to a song? Maybe you watched a play or a movie together. Well this is what they do. Except the story 'their favorite story', is the story of us. The story of... The Gods.
When you watch enough stories play out not only do you know all that has happened before 'That is if you were paying attention', but given enough time you learn to see how events are LIKELY to play out. You come to understand how the characters behave, you learn to identify them quickly, hero or villain or maybe a background character in the narrative of the larger whole, though surely that background character has a life of his own. This is very much what they do. Like you with friends or family enjoying your favorite story. One will come to know all of the canon, how the world works, the rules, every character, every interaction and will excitedly rattle off every story, every plotline, every character and interaction. This is Urdr, 'That which became'.
Then there is always one telling everyone to shush as they are only interested in watching the story unfold before their eyes! What came before is interesting yes, as it led to the now. But 'Shush I'm trying to see what's happening!', what is happening is so very interesting. 'Oh my! I didn't expect that! Wow!' this person exclaims forever on the edge of their seat as they take it all in with wonder. This is Verdani, 'That which is happening'.
Oh, but then there is the one forever discussing what is likely to happen or should happen, how the story should go to make everything fit together nicely or perhaps to be more exciting. 'Wouldn't it be grand if', they postulate in knowing tone. This is Skuld, 'That which ought to be'.
And they have been doing this for a very long time, a very very long time. So of course they are very good at it. And of course they take notes. Notes of what happened and how everything before played out, how it's all connected. They take notes on what is happening now so that they don't forget. And of course they take notes on what is likely to happen so that when it does they can say 'I told you so!'.
You see, it is not Gods writing your story, it is you! You are the author of your own life! Isn't that so terribly exciting?
And these Ladies, they carve their notes into the roots of Yggdrasill, they carve them lest they be forgot with time. ...No, not everything of course, only the bits that matter. Who cares if you dropped an egg while making breakfast, or that the child was picking his nose as the Grandparent explained how the trees grow from seed to sapling to tree? They are not omnipotent, and even if they were... why would they care about such little details? No they care more that the Grandparent is telling the story not how the Childs shoes were covered in mud... Well that is unless that plays a pivotal role in the story, or maybe how they got muddy in the first place was itself a grand tale! Maybe the child was running with his friends, sword in hand as he... But I lose myself in what might be or ought to be.
So I have to ask, what of your own story? Are you enjoying it? Are you taking full advantage of each twist and turn? Have you pursued any romantic plotlines? Any daring do? Have you cursed your life as being just a bit part in another players story? Or... Have been plagued by interesting events and surprising bombshells like the epic heroes of old? Your story is your own to tell, the author of your life is neither the Gods nor the Spirits. When you are gone from the mortal realm what story will the tapestry of your life tell? Perhaps you could ask The Norns. ...The oldest of storytellers, the most patient of audiences.
After all. To The Norns all the world is a stage and all the people, the Gods, even the Spirits are but players in this neverending story they do so enjoy.