You have selected the section of the Archives dedicated to Divinity. Divinity is a notion which extends well beyond the Gods. In Hyperborean cultures spirits, heroes, and even the many unnamed ancestors are divine. This notion of divinity extends even to those alive today and into the future generations yet to come.
Together we are the Oz! 'Yes, just like the book.'
In this collection of the Oz we have, and are gathering information concerning the many Gods and Heroes of the Hyperborean Tribes, which you will notice is divided into the various tribal groupings. It is important to note that one is not more important than the other and the order of listing is actually rather random in an attempt to avoid such inadvertent implications. Also in our efforts to introduce you 'our dear visitors' to these figures we have decided it best to begin with a introduction; focusing instead on the who they are, rather than, what they are. After all you already know they are divine.
As the Archives grow further pages will be added to the various entries allowing you to further explore stories and histories of various figures as they become available. In the meantime please enjoy the introductions provided, which are set to imitate the traditional method of discussing such topics and figures. That method being to deliver the information in a conversational tone, which is accented by anecdotes and minor story telling. 'Much in the way of an elder describing their most divine of figures to a child or curious stranger to their lands.'
If on the other hand you might find some or all of the entries to be lacking in the reverence due such figures simply remember,
"The irreverent nature of the indigenous Hyperborean is how they exhibit their true reverence; which is reserved for only those most beloved." - J.A.Coburn.
So please take your time with your explorations as there is no time limit to your stay, nor should you feel any particular rush to do so. If you discover a particular figure you might be interested in is not currently represented, please remember the Oz of Hyperborea is without number 'which is a very big number indeed' and as such some figures may take longer to mark their arrival than others. This is in no way to say they aren't as important, but simply that these chronicles are gathered, crafted, and maintained by we of the mortal plain and so find ourselves rather limited in our ability to equally match our desire.
You may also notice that there may be significant overlap between both tribes and the figures associated with them. This is not an accident, as many of these ancient figures are notorious for disrespecting the current national borders and as such had ranges both larger and smaller than many currently would wish or desire. So be warned, some figures may appear where one might expect, or conversely not appear where one might think them to be.
Our recommendation for order in which to explore is as always, 'begin at the beginning', but where is the beginning for you? That answer is different for many people depending upon whom to which you are speaking of course. So to begin your search our most sincere suggestion is to begin with whichever region your closest ancestors hail! Not the most popular, nor the most expected, or talked about. No... Your search should begin closer than that, it should begin where your heart lies most true. Family... Home... This is your journey. So set out with an open heart and an open mind into a voyage of self-discovery you never knew existed.