
Such a powerful word, but unfortunately today it has only negative connotations while words like fate and destiny are used with such light hearted frivolousness.

Doom in reality, by the true meaning of the word as used in older times, times closer to the root of our languages had no such meaning. It was merely a description. A description of finality.

This is neither good nor bad but simply is. The truth is we have many dooms throughout our lives, some good... some less so, but dooms all the same. When we are born it is true we are doomed to die, but we are also doomed to grow, to live, to love and laugh. We are doomed to pass from infancy to childhood. Doomed to grow from childhood to adolescence. Doomed to grow to adulthood. Doomed to fall in love. Doomed to heartbreak. Doomed to make friends. Doomed to our own little adventures. If we are lucky and skillful we are doomed to have families of our own and luckier still doomed to be mourned when we finally pass.

These are our dooms and may take many forms.

Such is the wonder of life.