The Giver, The Sow, Sea Brightener, Lady of the Slain, Dis of the Vanir
Freya is a special breed of woman, those that dance naked by firelight and finds loves passion beneath the boughs of ageless birch. A God who is untamed, giving, kind & loving. Her gift? Herself. Freya gives only entirely of herself and nothing less in the gentle and violent meeting of when man & woman become one. It is not; nor has it ever been, her nature to settle down, to content herself to the love of one man, to remain exclusively his as wife and lover. Though she tried... the Gods know... she tried.
One such tragedy is described in her marriage to Othr whom in Freya's eyes and heart was magnificent, nearly perfect in his masculinity! Powerfully built, broad shouldered, tall, with eyes that glowed like unquenchable wildfire and who had a red beard that grew long and wild like the waves of the sea. To him she gave her everything! Her hopes, her dreams, everything which was herself she gave willingly, wantonly to this man she hopelessly adored. In this their union she brought forth two daughters, treasures of their parents whom they named Hnoss and Gersemi. This love between man and woman ran deep and true.
But such was her nature that Freya eventually began to fear she would not be enough for him. For this man, this man she happily sacrificed her all to and the idea that she might not be enough to enthrall him forevermore was more than she could bear.
So it came to pass that she sought out the Dwarves who would make for her a necklace with which to hold tight to Othr's heart. The price however, was steep. For this object of love and desire she would have to freely give all of her to all of them. As is her nature; even while trying desperately to hold to Othr, she did in the end lay with them receiving the bauble she so desired with which she sought to hold Othr close.
The necklace at first did perform exactly as was promised, however when Othr discovered the price paid for this trinket he was horror stricken and became so sick of heart that he left her in the night. When Freya awoke from her slumber she was horror stricken at what had come to pass as the realization of the true cost of the necklace seeped into her heart and so she wept fiercely. Her worst nightmare and self torments having come to pass at her own actions.
Heartbroken she rushed after him seeking to mend a trust broken, broken in her desire to keep that which she now knew was not hers to keep but to cherish, her rambling Wildman. In her search she rode across the many realms atop Hildisvini, in bear-beast drawn carriage at night and cloaked in Falcon shape she flew across the many vastness's during the day, all in the hopes of finding her beloved.
However no matter where she went, how hard or long she searched, she never again gazed upon the eyes she once saw as wildfires but now remembered as but dying embers . In her sorrow and regret it is said "she wept tears of amber in the sea, of red gold in the soil and pearls in her hands to no avail".
Freya knows all too well, even though Amber, Gold and Pearl might fall as tears into the world all of these and more cannot buy back the heart of a broken man.