Elves, Dwellers of the Veil
Elves. Dwellers of the Veil.
'This section requires a short preamble to clarify context and the subtle nuance of the subject matter ahead.'
Let's begin by explaining that the spelling and use of the word Elves is a modern spelling of Elfs; attributed largely to J.R.R. Tolkien, which has led to further misunderstandings and many conflations with other traditional figures within the collective unconscious of the Hyperborean peoples. Though many figures have been conflated with or dubbed as Elf this is simply a comment on their nature of being 'unseen', however this classification is not entirely accurate and is akin to "All roses are flowers, but not all flowers are roses.". The Elf is in reality a very unique figure, often misunderstood and unrecognized for their true importance in Hyperborean cultures across all of Europa and beyond. So for the sake of clarity we shall use the traditional spelling to further separate both the fictional and other muddled figures from the traditional understanding of these important and mysterious beings.
'Preamble over let's dive in shall we? As the subject of Elfs is so very exciting!'
Elfs, the unseen ones. Not invisible mind you, simply unseen and by their very nature defy description. Unseen and inexplicable. This is because they do not dwell directly in our realm, nor do they dwell within the others like the realm of the gods or the meadow of the ancestors, not really. They dwell between realms, within the veil itself, the very fabric of reality. Their presence felt, their actions perceived but half a step out... like a person pressing against a sheet hanging in the breeze. An echo within our reality...
As ambivalent to the gods as they are to man, in general going about their business as unnoticed by us as we are by them. But as always there are exceptions. Sometimes; though rarely, they do take notice, and when they do they might choose to 'bless' us, aiding us as they are able in their rather limited way or on occasion they might find enjoyment in mischief. This mischief usually finds expression in harmless ways such as tying ones shoelaces together but sometimes pranks go awry. Awry in such ways as tying a persons shoelaces together which then causes that person to fall over a nearby cliff. This isn't usually done on purpose but simply by a lack of understanding. ...Though there are of course the exceptions to that rule as well. However, imagine you notice that when you roll a ball to a particular location it rolls back to a specific spot, you; should you not panic and run that is, might very well begin playing with it as a game rolling the ball back and forth. Now imagine the Elf on the other side of the veil also being confused or amused by the actions of this strange ball... What might he do? How might he respond? Or another example might be a glass, a glass you always keep on a particular shelf, but within the veil the Elf has the exact same glass which he keeps on the counter. You might for years keep moving this glass to your preferred place without ever knowing the other is doing the same. Both being befuddled and a little confused as to why the glass keeps appearing in such an odd place.
You can now see I'm sure, why Elfs are so easily confused with other spirits 'whether they be physical or not', which occupy our realm, and further muddled by well intentioned though often careless scholars, or the Poet or Scribe who taking 'poetic liberties' have developed these creatures into a massive class that seems to overlap with the Gods, Ancestors, Fae and any number of other beings. All because an Elf whether it is a Sea-Elf, Mountain-Elf, a Forest-Elf or any other kind is known to be, not because it is seen, but rather because it is an unseen force.
In turn the Elfs as unseen forces became associated with many things good and bad from cracked dishes to a bountiful harvest. Though after the coming of the Church the more positive elements; of course, fell away bit by bit, allowing only for a more narrow view of these creatures being that of the possible mischief and woes the Elfs may bring into our lives. It became common place to blame random misfortunes of nature such as winds that sink ships or destroy crops, illness came to be known as "Elf-Shot" the poison tips of their tiny arrows supposedly causing red dots when their arrows pierce the skin, upon their unseen shoulders. Forgotten were of the joys and prosperity that they may; and often do, bring to the land and it's inhabitants who follow the old ways.
Remember, it is no small blessing to have the friendship or affection of the Elfs, so much so that many of us are named in their honor to this day with names such as Alfred or Elliot, in the hopes that the Elfs may bless our children with the hand of friendship. Or at least be a bit more tactful with their pranks.