So I see you have found your way into our treasure room! Uh... I mean Wordhord.

Yes, language, and the words within are like small delicate flowers or fragile porcelain figurines to be treasured and safekept against abuse or neglect. These gifts to be safeguarded from the clumsy and grabbing hands of those who would inadvertently pummel them into meaninglessness, as though an overly excited child slapping at a puppy or kitten clumsily pawing and grasping with clawing fingers in their eagerness to experience that which they are not ready to truly appreciate.

It is true that language shifts over time slowly changing the understanding of words or even dropping some in favor of a new description. However we must take care during this process to not allow the language to become diluted to a near useless and incomprehensible mass. There are many great tools that have been created with the purpose of this preservation and or clarification in the usage of individual words, phrases, meanings, synonyms and their use within the language, but these tools have a fundamental flaw. These descriptions are but an approximation of the words, their meanings and their usage. An approximation so that through dedicated practice and exposure one might discover their true majesty and might. That these words might lead to a clarity of thought to which one might have previously thought unimaginable! Except it wouldn't be imaginable at all as words are thoughts, without the word the idea simply does not exist, as an idea without description cannot be given form, without form the thought fades from existence as though it were never born; naught but a meaningless glimmer of light sparking for but a moment from within the darkness.

One must remain vigilant in their exploration of each language and its true depths as synonyms are but an illusion, traps laid for the unwary and those feint of heart, either by design or ignorance matters not. One must remain aware that each word bears its own character and true meaning flush with a context and special nuance uniquely contained to itself.

Synonyms which lead many to believe mad, fury and anger possess similar meanings. However they do not. While one might be mad with anger or filled with an angry fury, one might also be mad with elation or laugh furiously. We still use the words correctly however in common usage they are often egregiously conflated to mean the same thing. One word may not simply be swapped all higgildy piggildy with wanton disregard for another while expecting the entire utterance to retain the original meaning or context.

This is of special importance not only to developing the ability to clearly and with great purpose bend the mind to thought, but also in the heroic attempt to decipher writings of ages long past. Though we may count ourselves fortunate that authors of the times past did in fact have a propensity for direct, clear and concise language in which to directly express their thoughts and observations. However this does indeed lay a responsibility upon ourselves to understand the language itself and the true nuance of the words within while also being in possession of at least a cursory understanding of the context under which the writings themselves were made.

So to that end we are gathering words of old, both those still currently in use as well as those of extraordinary import, in an effort to bestow the true intention and understanding of each so that we might all practice that which is our true right and duty. The fullness of our respective language.